I have a fun new speech center to introduce to you all today! I got the inspiration from working in the kindergarten and first grade classrooms doing inclusion therapy. I noticed that most days their literacy centers included rainbow writing as an option at their writing center. So this week I added a new activity to my activity center bag of tricks! If you have not seen rainbow writing before, here is how it works. The teacher has target words pre printed on a paper for each student. In the classrooms I do inclusion in, the words are usually sight words, spelling words, or simply the letter of the week for the really young ones. The students then choose 3 crayon colors. The student first copies the word in one color then traces over the word 2 more times with the new colors.
I loved the idea of learning through repetition and the students' finished work always looked so pretty! This was also sent home as homework words to practice this week (bonus!)
I created some Rainbow Doodle worksheets that include target speech sounds in the initial, medial, and final positions. These worksheets would be perfect in the speech room or to be sent home for homework. You can download this activity below: