I also wanted to share with you some ideas I have found (mainly on Pinterest) on how to use your space.
If your school/county is like mine, the principal wants the learning objectives posted so the students know what they are learning that day. For us, it is more about the goals we are working on. This is a much cuter way to post your goals and objectives then writing them on the white board or printing them out on plain white paper. Frame scrapbook paper and write on the glass with dry erase markers!
This is one of my favorite finds!! What a great use of space. Turn two filing cabinets back to back. Use the sides as a magnetic bulletin board. This would be ideal for a speech room that doesn't have a white board. Loving this idea!
Add scrapbook paper to your organizational boxes. This will add color to your room as well as keep nosey little ones out of your stuff! :)
On Monday I posted how I keep organized by binders. If you are not a binder person, this may be a great idea for you. Keep a clipboard for each grade, team meetings, parent information, etc. on your bulletin board. Grab and go as needed!
I use this in my room and love it. Turn a dish drying rack into a filing system, who knew?! Student files for any IEP meeting I have coming up or any open evaluation I have in progress goes in here. This way, I don't forget anyone and I see how much work I have ahead of me and can plan accordingly. I started using this last year and I will continue to this year.
I have many, many more ideas on my Speech Room Organization Pinterest page! Please check it out and pretty please leave me your ideas! Have a great weekend!