Good morning! I am always looking for new games and activities to practice speech sounds. "Go Fish again?" is commonly heard in my speech room. So, one night while playing Scategories with some friends, I came up with the idea for
Speech-A-Gories! To play this game, print out a copy of the worksheet. You can laminate them or put in a page protector so the kids can write on them with a dry erase marker and reuse. Or, print a copy for each student and let them take the page home for practice. At the top of the page, write in the target sound and check off if you want the sound in the beginning, middle, or end of the word. Then have your students race against the clock to complete the page! When time runs out, have each student read their answers (data time!) I created the game and the boarders are from
The 3AM Teacher, make sure you check her blog out!
If you download a copy, leave me a comment and let me know what you think!