If you are ever having a dull therapy session, bust out a few cans of PlayDoh and the day will be saved! I have recently been incorporating PlayDoh into my sessions that target WH-questions. I noticed that the boys love making things they can knock down, crash, or smash. Why not target some therapy goals while smashing some PlayDoh? I would like to introduce to you…. WH-Question Smash Mats!
I created these mats for my students that are working on answering WH-questions (what, who, where, and when)
To use these mats, print and laminate them. Each mat comes with 10 questions that correlate with a picture. Ask the student(s) or have them read a question from the mat (depending on ability level or age.) Then, have them find the picture that answers the question and smash a ball of PlayDoh on it!
These mats have been a ton of fun in therapy. I love when I create an activity that the kids actually request to use multiple times!
You can download your own copy of these activity mats in my TpT store here!
I am also giving away some of these mats so make sure you enter the giveaway below.
Have a great Thursday!!