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Yay! It's Friday!! We made it through another week. I am super excited about this weekend because tomorrow my little munchkin turns...2!! Since she will be turning 2, we are appropriately having a "TuTu" party! I will definitely post pictures after this weekend. I haven't done a Friday Rewind post in a while... things have been pretty busy here. I thought I would do some catching up with this post and share some speech and non-speech related events this week. We have been busy bees over here trying to update and work on our new home. So far, we have done a lot of work to our master bedroom and bathroom. Here are some before and after pictures.
In between working, birthday party planning, and fixing up our house, I have been busy hosting online Jamberry parties and creating new TpT products!
Here is a picture of my latest Jamicure ;)
And here are a few new products I have added to the store.
A zoo thematic unit is coming up... can you tell?
Whew... now on to what happened in the speech room! This week the kiddos and I went camping! I am going camping with my family next week so I thought, why not turn my upcoming vacation into a thematic unit this week?! We read the story Curious George Goes Camping
We also had fun playing with some camping themed activities!
I hope you all had a wonderful week, too! What are some themes you have planned for the rest of the school year?