Happy Thursday!! We are so close to the weekend I can feel it. This weekend by baby turns 2!! I cannot believe how fast these past two years have gone. It feels like it was just last week that I was writing a blog post telling you all that we were having a girl. Now two years later, here we are! I wanted to share a birthday gift Kenzie received that would make a great therapy tool!!
Ever since I can remember, Kenzie has loved looking at pictures. Our wedding album, photo books, photo albums, yearbooks... you name it. She would turn the pages and point out "mommy!" "dada!" "pop pop!" Absolutely adorable. But unfortunately 2 year olds don't always know the meaning of the word gentle. As much as she loved looking at these precious memories, I was always nervous that she would end up tearing pages out.
Last month my Aunt Debbie was visiting from AZ. She saw how much Kenzie loved looking at pictures, too. It was then that she had the brilliant idea of ordering Kenzie a board book of pictures that she could look at and not destroy!
The book turned out adorable and Kenzie loves it!!
Pictures of mommy & daddy, Aunt Katie, and other family members are in the book.
Seeing Kenzie point out pictures and play mini photo hunt games with us made me realize that this could be an amazing therapy tool for our younger students and non-verbal children. No, you don't have to order a board book for each student... go pick up a little photo album at the dollar store. Have mom or dad fill it with family photos and bring it to therapy. Another idea is taking pictures of common objects, emotions, actions, or items that go with a thematic unit and making your own album!
You could use these albums for anything you would like to target and their children feel like it's their own!
Kenzie's board book came from https://pinholepress.com