I love craftivities in therapy just about as much as I love stories in therapy (and that is a lot!) It's amazing how much coloring, cutting, and glueing can spark up language in a child! In addition, these craftivities we make in therapy help connect parents with what we are learning about and provides great opportunity for carryover at home! I wanted to share a few of my go-to favorites for this time of year!
First up is an Easter Egg Speech Wreath!
To make this, I used construction paper for the eggs and a paper plate with the middle cut out for the wreath (fancy schmancy!) I offered colorful paper eggs, but this student wanted to customize each egg! Then, we wrote target articulation words on each egg. Great decoration and even better speech homework!
The picture above is of easter eggs hiding in the grass! I did a similar activity to this when using the story In the Tall, Tall Grass last year. I recently saw Jenn from Crazy Speech World hid eggs in the grass instead of critters and decided this would be fun to make! To create this masterpiece I used construction paper and target words from Mommy Speech Therapy's worksheets.
I should take stock out in construction paper. We created this little guy after reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Last but not least.... Speech Flowers!
I think this is my favorite spring craftivity. My speech room looked so colorful after I hung these up! I used paint chips from Home Depot and left over tissue paper squares that I had from another craft. The kids wrote their target words in the petals!
I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend with your loved ones!!