Spring is in the air! Time to break out all of those fun and colorful books about flowers blooming, birds chipping, and old ladies swallowing frogs! Yep, you heard right. Our beloved Lucille Colandro has done it again and created another Old Lady book, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog
So naturally I had to order it and create a speech and language story companion to go along with it. Check it out and enter to win a copy at the end of this post!
This packet was created with my students in mind so of course it is loaded with speech and language activities. This packet targets vocabulary, story sequencing, following directions, articulation, story retelling, and compare/contrasting. In addition, there are a few open ended activities included that you can use to target any goal you are working on.
The picture above is of the Old Lady mat with story picture cards. Your students can take turns "feeding" the old lady as she swallows the items in the story.
Story sequencing is something that many of my students struggle with. I created this cut, glue, color activity to work on this skill as well as story retelling. Numbers and words are included so students can work on this activity independently. I made this one in black and white to both save on some ink as well as let my students get creative!
Working on following directions? Me too!
I love these open ended dots pages because I can address just about any goal with them while still keeping the Old Lady theme going. Have your students practice a target goal (articulation, answer a question, produce a grammatically correct sentence, use good social skills, etc) before he/she covers a dot. I like to use bingo markers, chips, small erasers, or candy if I am in a really good mood :)
To check out everything that is included in this packet, check it out in my TpT store here! You can also enter to win a copy of this pack below! Happy Spring and happy reading!!