I use the version by Ann McGovern. I don't have a preference of one story version over the other, but this one was already in my classroom library when I started at my school! Here is what the download includes:
Soup Place Mat
(this can be used however you would like. I have included some ideas below!)
In My Soup Articulation Activity
each student a Soup Place Mat. Print out pages, cut and laminate. Place the
cards face down on the table. Have student take turns choosing a card. Use the
item on the card in the sentence:
“I like _________ in my soup.” or “I do not like ________in my soup.”
decide if they want to put the object they chose in their soup bowl or back
into the pile. This activity created more language than I imagined! One student chose to make silly soup and put objects like a shark, flower, shoes, etc. in his soup. He spontaneously told me a story about how the shark was chasing the shoes and the flower around the soup bowl!
With younger students, you can also use these cards to sort food
vs. not food items. I did the sorting activity with my PreK students.
Story Sequencing Activity
Print out story map and object cards, cut, and laminate. Have students put the
objects requested in the story in order. Let students retell the story using
their sequencing map.
Stone Soup Story Grammar
complete the worksheet targeting characters, setting, and main events in the
Writing Prompt
Student write about how they think the soup was made from a stone.
Make Your Own Soup!
Students create their own soup listing their own characters and what ingredients they will bring to make the soup!