Articulation Station
By Little Bee Speech
I have used this app more than any other app out there. Articulation therapy sessions can get tedious and you can only play Candy Land or Go Fish so many times. This app allows for drill like sessions (that get you tons of target practice) without the moans and groans from the kiddos. Even my littlest ones come in my room asking for, "The bee!"
Multiple Choice Articulation
By Erik X. Raj

Looking for an app that allows you to target articulation carryover while working on language skills? This one will help you score points with your speech and language kiddos! So many speech apps are made for young children. This app wont make your older students feel like they are using a preschool articulation app (and it's a lot of fun!)
Find it in iTunes here
Find it in iTunes here
Glow Draw!
By Indigo Penguin Limited
By Indigo Penguin Limited

This FREE app has saved me many times this year. Kids hate doing worksheets but love using the iPad.... enter Glow Draw! This app allows you to upload a picture and draw on it. I have uploaded more worksheets than I can count with this app and students (willingly!) complete them using the glow pen! Another bonus is that I spend way less time in the line at the copy machine :)
Find it in iTunes here
Preposition Builder
By Mobile Education Store

I have quite a few students on my caseload with preposition goals this year. So naturally, this app was used a lot. What I really like about this app is that if the student answers wrong, the app shows them a picture of why the answer is not correct. I have been using it as a reward activity at the end of each session. The last 5 minutes of each session, we use this app as a whole group for extra practice and fun.
Find it in iTunes here
Sounding Board
By AbleNet

I love this app! It is a communication board on the iPad. I use it in both private therapy and in my school based sessions. This app allows you to create your own communication boards with your own pictures. It is great with helping little ones make choices and express their wants and needs!
Find it in iTunes here
I was really close to adding the Pinterest app to my list :) I can't even count the number of creative ideas I have stolen from Pinterest (and I know you have, too!) I am so excited to see what 2013 has in store for the iPad! Do you use any of these apps in your therapy room?

I have quite a few students on my caseload with preposition goals this year. So naturally, this app was used a lot. What I really like about this app is that if the student answers wrong, the app shows them a picture of why the answer is not correct. I have been using it as a reward activity at the end of each session. The last 5 minutes of each session, we use this app as a whole group for extra practice and fun.
Find it in iTunes here
Sounding Board
By AbleNet

I love this app! It is a communication board on the iPad. I use it in both private therapy and in my school based sessions. This app allows you to create your own communication boards with your own pictures. It is great with helping little ones make choices and express their wants and needs!
Find it in iTunes here
I was really close to adding the Pinterest app to my list :) I can't even count the number of creative ideas I have stolen from Pinterest (and I know you have, too!) I am so excited to see what 2013 has in store for the iPad! Do you use any of these apps in your therapy room?