It's that time of year again to start looking at our students' data and progress. Not only is it important for IEP meetings and progress reports, but our records are also a big part of our evaluation. I wanted to share with you what I have found to be the best way I have found so far to keep track of student data.....
This year I decided to use data binders that are divided by grade level. So far this has been a great way to keep everything organized and get to the information you need quickly when necessary. Inside each binder, I have my speech/ language groups separated by dividers.
For each student, I have:
- A student information profile. This page has their name, IEP date, re-evaluation date, most recent testing scores and information about other programs they may be in as well (OT, PT, SLD, etc).
- Data sheets and/ or treatment logs. I find that for some groups, good old fashioned +/- data sheets work best, for others, anecdotal data logs works best.
- If the students are old enough, they keep their own data as well. This is helpful for them to know what their goals are as well as a self motivation tool. (see below for a picture of the student data sheet I use)
- I also keep random work samples throughout the year to show progress (both for the parents and to remind myself and the students how far they have come!)
Here is a photo of the data sheet I use. I have tried many, many different forms and this one is my favorite. Simple and to the point. Let me know if you would like me to email you a copy of this one (I am not sure where it originated from)
Below is a photo of the anecdotal data sheet I use. I got this form from the Mommy Speech Therapy blog.
Here is a photo of my student friendly data sheet. I mainly use this with my artic kids. After each session, I calculate their percentage of correct productions and they graph their progress. The kids really buy into this and take pride in their work.
I hope you find this helpful.... please share any ways that you collect data!