First of all, thank you to everyone who posted, emailed, or facebooked me with suggestions about preparing for a substitute. I wanted to share how I handle/ reward for good speech room behavior. The past few years I have tried differet methods. This is the simplest and best method I have found.
I use a laminated piece of poster board that is within arms reach of my therapy table. I actually got the poster board with the lines from a teacher that was going to throw it away. (One man's trash is another man's treasure, right?) I wrote out all my student's names on paper and change them out as new groups come in. It is actually a great way for PreK and kindergarten kids to recognize their names. You can talk about the first letter of each name, how many letters, if their name is on the top, middle, or bottom, etc. Since the poster board is laminated, I use Vis-a-Vis markers to draw smiley faces by their name when they are caught being good. For my older kids, they get a smiley face for bringing back their homework, too.
The smiley faces on the chart correlate with a sticker chart I use. The number of smileys they receive that day is how many stickers they earn on their chart. After a certain amout of stickers, they earn Treasure Box! This method has been really easy for me to use and be consistent with. Plus, it's a visual way for kids to see how they are performing.
Here is a link to my super simple sticker chart. Please share your ideas and what works for you!