The original download of the app includes 4 pre-made decks: animals, food, initial p, and CVC words. This app also gives you the option to create your own decks. This is where the creativity kicks in. Tired of carrying around your card decks for artic practice? Take pictures of the cards and create your own deck in the app!
It is very easy to create your own deck. Go to customize then Add Deck.
You can name your deck by the category of pictures you will include. One idea I came up with was using the student's name as the deck name and including pictures of words that target all of their goals.
After you name the deck, you can add pictures. Take pictures of objects first, then upload and name them. Of course, I added Kenzie into my /k/ words deck!
Some other useful features of this app include:
Create up to 24 decks
Email cards as PDF
Share decks with other Speech Card users
Data tracker included for up to 12 students
Email student reports
You and students can record your voice to go with pictures (my students think this is the coolest thing!)
Here are some other ideas to use with this app:
articulation decks
sight words
social stories
communication book
Speech Cards sells for $4.99 in the iTunes store.... or you can try to win a copy below!