Halloween Silly Story Starters- Freebie!

Monday, October 29, 2012
I know a lot of us are working on story grammar with our students. I came up with a fun activity that targets characters, setting, and kick off. The activity has a page with a column of WHO's (characters) WHAT's (kick off's) and WHERE's (settings) that you cut out and separate into piles or cups. The students are allowed to be creative with the rest of their story as long as they include the character, setting, and kick off on their slips of paper!

To play:
Print out the second page and cut out each box.
Use 3 cups to separate the who, what, and where. Use the first row to label each cup.
Let each student choose one piece of paper from each cup. Then, they write a story using their silly story starter!
For example:
A mummy got lost at the mall.

To download this activity, click here: Halloween Story Starters! If you download this activity, please leave me a comment letting me know you grabbed it. Trust me, those comments make my day! :)

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