Back-2-School Jokes

Friday, August 13, 2021


It's that time of year again. School has started here in FL. Although I work year round, I do enjoy getting back into a routine again. My kids just started their 1st grade and 4th grade year. So many of my school based SLPs friends are getting back to work and starting to plan for their sessions. 

And what better way to start the school year than to kick your sessions off with a good laugh? I complied a list of 12 of my favorite Back-2-School jokes. 

Q: Why did the M&M go to school?

A: Because he really wanted to be a Smartie!

Q: Why was the teacher wearing sunglasses to school?

A: Her students were so bright!

Q: What is the king of all school supplies?

A: The ruler!

Q: What kind of school do giants go to?

A: High School!

Q: Why did the music teacher need a ladder?

A: To reach high notes. 

Q: What did the buffalo say at drop off?

A: Bison (bye son)

Q: Why did the student eat his homework?

A: Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake!

Q: Why do math books always look so sad?

A: Because they are full of problems!

Q: What dinosaur has the best vocabulary?

A: A Thesaurus!

Q: Why isn't there a clock in the library?

A: Because it "tocks" too much!

Q: Why can't pirates learn the alphabet?

A: They keep getting lost at C!

Q: What did one pencil say to the other on the first day of school?

A: Looking sharp!

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