When the SLP Needs an SLP

Tuesday, July 7, 2020
I remember when I was first pregnant with Kenzie, someone told me “You’re going to be an even better therapist when you’re a mom.” At first I was insulted. I mean, I have 2 years of experience as an SLP and I know everything  (just kidding!) But then I learned how much truth came from that statement. I did become a better therapist as a mom. I was more compassionate with parents. Cautious of their feelings as they placed their child in “special education.” More understanding of busy schedules and why that homework folder wasn’t always returned. 

When Kameron was almost a year old, we learned that he needed Eustachian tubes and his tongue clipped. That experience has given me the opportunity to talk and emphasize with parents when their doctor brings up having the same procedures done. The anxiousness sitting in a sound proof room for a hearing test. The panic in the waiting room as he was put under anesthesia. But let me tell you, I would do it again if we needed to. The improvement in his language and balance was amazing. 

Fast forward to last week. Wednesday July 1, 2020 was Kameron’s first day of speech. Yep. Just because I am an SLP doesn’t mean my kid talks perfectly. But I want what’s best for him. I want him to be successful and not embarrassed by the way he says certain words. And maybe this story will help another parent out that has been on the fence about getting their child in speech. We all need help sometimes. Be your child’s biggest advocate. If we aren’t, who will be?
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