Less than one week till that wee little leprechaun comes to visit! Have your speech sessions been filled with St. Patrick's Day activities? Green and gold clovers? Leprechauns and glitter? I love a good thematic unit! I created this St. Patrick's Day Pronoun unit to add some festive spirit to my pronoun lessons. The fun part is that I have been able to target more than just pronouns with this activity.
Check it out...
Included in this packet are both black & white and colored pictures. I laminate the colored pictures and attach Velcro to keep it as a sturdy, use again activity (ideal for whole group.) I like to let the students have their own black and white copies they can cut, color, and glue (perfect for independent work and informal assessments.)
Here is how I use this activity:
I like to have my students practice following directions as they demonstrate their pronoun knowledge.
For example: “Give the gold coin to her.” (one step direction)
“Give the fiddle to him then the clover to her.” (two step directions)
“They want something green that they can put on top their heads” (inferencing)
This is also a great activity to use along with the story, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover. A lot of the same story vocabulary is used in this activity.
You can download a copy of this activity in my Teachers Pay Teachers Store here!
Have fun celebrating!!