Appy Saturday!! Who's ready for another app review?
I was pretty excited when the sweet people from Can Do Apps contacted me about reviewing their app, Sequencing, because it is always difficult to find good pictures and activities to use to target this goal. Can Do Apps did provide me with a copy of this app, however, the opinions expressed in this review are mine.
This app is very easy to navigate. When you open the app, you are brought to the screen shown below. This allows you to choose the specific target you want to use with your student(s).
If you choose option #1, Identify the picture that occurs first or last, your student will be given prompts that look like the one below. Students are given a mix of 10 first and last picture prompts. The student simply touches the picture that answers the question.
If you choose option #2, Identify the picture that occurs next, your student will be given 10 prompts that look like the one below.
If you choose option #3, Touch the two pictures in the correct order, your student will be given 10 prompts that look like the one below. The have to first touch the picture that comes first, then touch the one that comes next.
If you choose option #4, Put three pictures in the correct order, your student will be given prompts that look like the one below. Students will need to drag the pictures into the correct sequence.
Last but not least, if you choose option #5, Number the steps to make the correct sequence, your student will be given prompts that look like the one below. He/she will be given number 1-4 at the top of the screen. He/she will then place the numbers next to the step in the correct sequence order.
At the end of each section, you are prompted with a score sheet to let you and your student know how he/she did on these tasks.
I love that this app has so many different levels of sequencing. This is a simple app that is easy to use, yet is very complete and well worth the price. The pictures are clear, colorful, and engaging for students. I have used this app as both a teaching and assessment tool. The only suggestions I would make for this app are:
-Have the option to store student data.
-Have the option to combine sequencing tasks.
You can learn more and download this app in the iTunes store, here!