2 linky parties in 1 week? Yes please! I am excited to be joining Speech Room News' Love It & List It Linky Party. The 3rd Friday of every month, fellow bloggers and I will be posting lists of our favorite things. This month's list consists of my favorite games for therapy. Now we're talking board games. No iPads included on this list (goodness gracious, what did we do before iPads?)
1. Ned's Head: My husband bought me this game when I was hired at my first elementary school job. I adore this game for so many reasons. Yes, from the looks of the box, this game is disgusting and screams "little boy game" all over it. But I have played this game the way it is supposed to be played less times than the number of fingers I have on one hand. I love to stuff Ned's Head with articulation cards, question cards, tactile/ sensory objects, you name it. Ned turns boring articulation drill sessions into tons of fun!
2. Candy Land: I wouldn't be surprised if this game made it on every list for this linky party. Candy Land is so appealing to kids. Sometimes I think it is sitting on my shelf screaming at the kids to come play with it.... and I honestly don't mind. I love that this game allows for so many therapy opportunities. Since it is a pretty fast paced and an easy to understand game, it can be used with my itty bitty ones too.
3. Granny's Candies: This is another fun candy themed game (hmm.. I'm sensing a theme here!) This game by Super Duper is great for targeting language and vocabulary goals.
Thanks for checking out this linky party! I am off to check out all the other bloggers' lists now!