Where's My Mummy?

Friday, October 28, 2011
To get into the Halloween spirit I read Where's My Mummy?
 by Carolyn Crimi to my kindergarten and preK students. It was a hit!!

This is a cute, not so spooky, Halloween story of a baby mummy who does not want to go to bed! After we read the story, we created our own baby mummies!

To make them, we used:
1. a paper plate for his head
2. ripped up plain white computer paper for his bandages (tissue paper or crepe paper would work, too)
3. black construction paper for behind his eyes
4. googly eyes!

The kids had a great time ripping up the paper to make baby mummy's bandages! After we created our baby mummy heads, I gave them the writing prompt: "When I'm scared, my mummy....." Boy did I get some great answers! Below is a  sample baby mummy!
"When I'm scared my mummy lets me sleep in her bed."

You could also incorporate sequencing into this story. Baby mummy meets some scary creatures along his way! 

Here is our bulletin board!

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