Dear Students... a letter from your therapist

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Dear students,

I want to let you in on a little secret. You have a huge part of my heart. I don't only think about you during those 30 minutes when we are together twice a week.

I think about you in the middle of the night when I can't sleep because you haven't reached that goal yet.

I think of you when I read hours of evidence based research studies on the perfect way to help you learn new vocabulary words.

I think of you while I am at the store and see a toy you would like.

I think of you when I get up early to print and laminate activities for us to do that day.

And when I am up late searching Pinterest for new ideas.

When we have a great session, I leave feeling on top of the world. When the session doesn't go so well, I leave feeling defeated. Like I let you down.

I think of you on the weekends when I am attending conferences and workshops.

I say a prayer for you when you're out sick. Or when your family is going through some tough stuff.

I feel so lucky to be a part of your journey. To be a counselor to your parents and a place of comfort for you.

You are very special. You are so loved. And you are a huge part of my life.

With lots of love,
Mrs. Kristin

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