M is for Monster... Preschool in a Box!

Thursday, June 1, 2017
It is officially summer vacation over here! We are less than a week in and my kids are already bored. I want to keep them busy this summer- both physically and mentally. Kenzie has learned so much this past year and is so ready for kindergarten. I want to keep her little mind working so I have been busy pinning ideas to keep her active. But all of my pinned ideas require lots of materials and trips to the store. Too bad there isn't a company that will deliver all the materials for your Pinterest projects to you! Maybe one day someone will invent that service, but until then, I teamed up with

M is for Monster is a monthly subscription box of lesson plans for your children that targets colors, shapes, letters, and numbers through fun, hands-on activities. What I love most about this, is that it was created by a mom of 3 and former preschool teacher. She followed her heart after endless google searches for educational materials, and decided to create her own for her "little monsters." Thankfully, she also decided to share them with the world!
Each monthly box is themed and the activities are chosen based on your child's age and ability.  For my first box, I chose Stage 2 for Kenzie.When I received my first box, Kenzie couldn't wait to rip open the box and see what was inside. There were 4 themed lessons (bunnies, umbrella, spring, and farm) along with arts and craft materials. I am a sucker for a good theme, so I was super excited to see what activities were included to go along with each one. 
Each lesson package comes with an instruction page for each activity. There were about 4 activities to go with each theme. We had so much fun making flower wreaths, counting farm animals, making paint tracks with a tractor, identifying flower letters, and painting with "bunny tails" (just to name a few!)
 I love the idea of having these boxes delivered each month to keep the kids learning throughout the summer.  The best part is M is for Monster includes all the materials you need for all of these activities. I think the only thing I needed that wasn't included was a pair of scissors.
When you sign up, you can select what Stage you would like in addition to your monthly plan. The Mini Monster Box includes 2 themes for $29.50 and the full box includes 4 themes and is $59. Just like other subscription services, the longer you subscribe for there are discounts (for example,  a 3 month subscription plan with 4 themes will only cost you $54 per month, as opposed to the $59 if you went month-by-month).  There is also a Try me Box option for $29.95 so you can sample what this awesomeness is all about!
The June box has just been released and it is adorable! Dolphins, Zoo, Beach, and Sun themes... oh my!
Click here to learn more about M is for Monster and get signed up!
 This blog post was sponsored by M-is for-Monster!
Disclaimer: I did receive a box in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. 

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