If You Take a Mouse to the Movies… Holiday Craft & a Freebie!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
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Speech and crafts, they just seem to go together, don't they? I was so excited last week when I found glittery christmas trees and foam sticker ornaments on clearance at Joann's! Not that I needed an excuse to tie a Christmas craft into therapy, but this just went perfectly with the story,
In the story, the mouse wants to create ornaments for his christmas tree out of paper, glue, and glitter. He completely covers the tree in ornaments- so much that the top of the tree is tipped over! So the kids and I had a blast seeing how many ornaments we could fit on the tree, making it look just like the one in the story!
The craft worked perfect for all of my speech & language students. I was able to target: prepositions, requesting, labeling, sequencing, following directions, turn taking, and articulation goals with this activity. Check out some of our masterpieces!
 I also created a story sequencing activity to go with the book. You can download it for free in my TpT store by clicking the picture below.

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