It's that time again. The time of year when observations, evaluations, and stress levels are at an all time high! But more importantly, this is your time of year to shine. Most principals will be the first ones to admit that they honestly have no idea what we as therapists do. That is why it is so important that we show them. Use your observation sessions and evaluation conference to brag about your self. Last year we had a new principal at our school. We all had to complete self evaluations to bring into our evaluation meeting. Like many other fellow staff members, I humbly completed my evaluation. In the past, our principal had always raised our scores and would make comments such as, "Oh you know you are fabulous at..... you always score yourself too low." Since this principal was new he was not comfortable moving our scores up much higher than we rated ourselves. I learned a valuable lesson that year.
This year I came in prepared, and so should you!
This is my "Speechie Brag Book!"
Inside, I have the areas of our appraisal divided by indicators and each section filled with evidence of how I am an effective- highly effective therapist. Below are some examples of the indicators and what I put in my "brag book"
Now I know that all of our evaluations and criteria will vary based on county and state. But everything that I have collected for my appraisal will help you, too.
Indicator 1.1: Ability to Assess Instructional Needs
In this section I included the following items:
-My IEP student log list (name, IEP due date, re-eval date, meeting date)
-My Speech/Language Screening Log
-A copy of an IEP with the student's confidential information blacked out.
-A copy of a speech and language evaluation report with the student's confidential information blacked out.
-Sample data sheets
Indicator 1.2: Plans and Delivers Instruction
In this section I included the following items:
-My lesson plan template (student names, lesson plan, and IEP goals)
-Student speech and language goal sheet (they list their goal, how they plan to reach their goal, then graph their progress)
Indicator 2.1: Maintain a Student-Centered Learning Environment
In this section, I included the following items:
-Graduation certificates
-You Reached Your Goal certificates
-Classroom layout (and use of centers!)
-Student interest/ info survey
-My classroom routine
-Use of Class DoJo!
Indicator 3.2: Engages in Continuous Improvement for Self and School
In this section I included the following items:
-a copy of my district transcript listing all of the trainings/ courses I have completed
-My parent phone number list
-My parent contact log
When I came into my evaluation meeting, my AP had the evaluation already completed. She said to me, "This is how I completed the evaluation, if you want me to move a score up, prove it to me." So glad I made this notebook because the proof was all inside! I felt so much better about my evaluation this year.. and it turned out great!